Being my own best friend
So it's nearly been a month since my last blog post - - which means, time for another one! Today, I'd like to write about living alone and the little happy points of my limited interactions with others. I recently moved to Ottawa! It's a moderately sized city - a population of 1 million people and the capital city of Canada! Since moving here alone, I've had more time to myself than at any other point in my life. The first few days were especially nauseating due to sleep deprivation and lack of a bed. But quickly that all changed. Once I settled down and started working, I came to realize a few things when living alone that make me happy. I'm going to write out some things that have been working for me that have made my day or just made me happy in general. Little wins that make my day :) Going for walks every day I've now set up a set time every single day to go out for walks. In fact, I go to parliament every single day just to look at the view! It's so ni...