
Showing posts with the label hobby

Music production as a hobby

I used to think that making and publishing music was as easy as uploading a youtube video. I make some sounds on the keyboard, mash them up, and the click upload. I could then publish to my favourite music players such as Youtube Music and Spotify. What I've learned these past few weeks could not be further from the truth. So around a few weeks ago, I started to become serious in taking on making some music as a hobby. I intially looked up how to get started using reddit, finding out quickly that I needed to choose a DAW (digital audio workstation). Of course, I look up what DAW a beginner like me should use and I'm bombarded with a TON of options. I initially tried out Ableton as that seems like it was really popular. However, quickly I switched to FL Studio as I liked the interface better with the piano roll UI.  Luckily, I still have a teeeeeny  bit of music theory that I remember from my piano days so I'm not a completely terrible composer. That said, I've watched o...