The usual day.

I had a usual day day like everyday. We woke up at 6:00 and we had to leave at 7:15. I did everything so fast that I had to wake my brother and sister up. We drove for two hours and I played in the car. I played my friend's Nintendo and it was cool. When we arrived at the Nova Scotch information center, we took some pictures and my dad bought a tag.

Then we went to Halifax harbour to look at the place where they rescued Titanic people. We went to see a model of the Titanic ship and the stuff inside. We saw movies of divers finding the fossils of the ship.We went

to our hotel and went out for a walk. We saw people blowing glass, that was amazing! Then we attended the tour " Nature and Whale Watching cruise, we saw whales,Jellyfishes,and seagulls. The whale went above water. When we came back, there was a ship which had cannons on it!
Suddenly it fired at us,everyone was shocked. It was actually a air cannon.

After we came down from the ship we ate lobsters for dinner, it was yummy! We came back to the hotel and went swimming. W
hen we came back, I went to sleep.


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