Oregon cave

Today we went to Oregon cave park witch had a lot of snow on the mountain, we had a tour guide with us for the whole time talking to us what made this cave and who
discovered the cave. I was very interested in the cave of how it was made and formed.
We went to the cave and these things that guide you through the cave and out are called popcorn, The popcorn points to the direction of the exit of the entrance. We had lights so that it wasn't to dark, we turned the lights of and it was very dark with nothing you can see. There was a story of a man who walked in the cave with only 6 matches and chased after his dog. There were straws witch was actually icicles on the top of the cave. You can not touch the cave, I was with my friend and we were very low below ground. It was formed by water flowing through the groundwhen it rained.
We went to the ghost room witch was full of scary rocks carved by the water.
We went to our hotel with a long way to go, I was dizzy when we were on the car but that dizziness just passed away once we left the mountain. We got to the hotel and went to a restaraunt, I came back to the hotel and went to sleep.


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