After 12 years

Wow! Looking back in time to my blog as a kid really brings back memories. So much has changed in 10 years time! I went from being a kid in elementary to now a graduate student in university. How time really flies huh. Looking back, I always thought it was this happy place for me when-ever I wrote here. Even though I knew there weren't many people (if any at all) reading my blogs, I still felt like writing them. Nowadays, I keep my blog on my own website at Though that hasn't been updated in a while too (lol). I'll still come here from time to time, just to vent my thoughts, how I feel. I hope one day, I can look back at this blogspot and see how much I've come. From an idea that my mum and dad once told me to start to where I am now. Til next time! Omar


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